Stand Up


For Our Youth


How We Serve

James 1:27 tells us to remember the orphans.  Coach’s Place is stepping into that role by serving the orphaned and under served youth of Tennessee in a myriad of ways.


Fostering Community

Coach's Place will provide a stable home and community for young people in Tennessee's foster care system.


Facilitating Relationships

Coach's Place works to create genuine, healthy relationships between the youth and families in our community.


Finding Reconciliation

Coach's Place endeavors to help our youth find reconciliation with God through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Foster Care Facts



Average number of youth living in institutions without a family.


Average number of years a child in foster care will wait to be adopted.


On any given day, there are 8000+ children in foster care in TN.


Age out of the system each year with nowhere to call home.

What is Coach's Place?

A foster care community that provides loving, Christ-centered homes for young men in Dyersburg, TN.



In addition to ministering to the needs of these young men, we prepare them for their future by training them to be men after God’s own heart.


Trade Skills and Work Ethic

We teach all of our foster children the importance of hard work and integrity through service on our property and in the community. Many young men in our community will learn carpentry, farming, electrical, plumbing and

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Biblical Family Training

Our primary goal is developing disciples of Jesus Christ, who raise Christian families to the glory of God. Many children enter foster care with no idea what a healthy family looks like. We instruct our children

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Spiritual Disciplines

A key component to the Christian life is Spiritual Disciplines, so we build these normative activities into everyday life at Coach’s Place. All our activities are meant to help these young men grow in godliness, love

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Our Leaders

trey And Heather Vernon

Trey & Heather Vernon

If you take one look at Trey and Heather Vernon, you see a couple who is in love with one another.  But, one conversation with them and you will know that their first love is with Jesus Christ.  Trey and Heather’s  dream was to always have a house full of children. Trey’s first call was to teach and Heather’s first call was to Social Work.   He furthered that ministry of teaching through coaching a football team, but he saw the need of so many young men who needed a father, who needed a family.  The Vernon’s desire to share Christ’s love has grown into the call to provide a home for children.  Now, that dream is becoming a reality through Coach’s Place.


James 1:27 says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” They have felt the call to dedicate themselves to helping young men who have been neglected or living in desperate situations .  After several years of praying, plus direction from the Holy Spirit, Trey and Heather have secured land and have begun the building process at Coach’s place.  They continue to seek God and His direction as they seek to aid boys who need a stable home environment, staff who can share the love of Christ, and provisions to make Coach’s place a reality.  Please join us in prayer to help make Coach’s place a reality.

Coach's Place

Photo Showcase


Become A Proud Volunteer

Our team needs volunteers. We need those who have a heart for the fatherless. If you would like to partner with us in any way, please apply today!